Durbanville Hockey



Under the Western Province Hockey Union (WPHU) and Durbanville Hockey Club (DHC) Constitution and Bye Laws the WPHU has full jurisdiction and authority over everything concerning hockey and playing of hockey effectively, therefore, any person(s) affiliated to the Affiliate Members (Clubs) and Associate Members involved in any hockey activity agree to comply with the Constitution, Bye Laws, League Rules, Rules of Hockey and rules and directives of the present Code of Conduct.

    1. The Code of Conduct is applicable for Affiliate Members of DHC and Associate Members of the WPHU.
      • The Code of Conduct is established to create awareness of accountability for the promotion of the game of hockey amongst the Affiliate Members (Clubs) and Associate Members of the WPHU.
      • All Affiliate Members (Clubs) and Associate Members of the WPHU are responsible for their own behaviour and conduct, and as such, accountable. They must abide by the WPHU and DHC Constitution, Bye Laws, League Rules, Rules of Hockey and Directives of the Code of Conduct as set out hereunder.
      • It is therefore the responsibility of the Associate Members to share liability should breaches occur of the terms of the WPHU and DHC Constitution, Bye Laws, League Rules, Rules of Hockey and Directives of the Code of Conduct as mentioned in par (b) above.
      • Complaints in relation to either misconduct or breaches of the terms of WPHU and DHC Constitution, Bye Laws, League Rules, Rules of Hockey and Directives of the Code of Conduct as mentioned in par (b) above, shall in the first instance be dealt with by the Chairperson of the Affiliate Club and Associate Member and if necessary by the WPHU Executive Committee who in turn may refer and involve the WPHU Disciplinary Committee.
    2. All Affiliate Members of DHC are therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the WPHU. WPHU is committed in maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct of those subject to this jurisdiction. In pursuance of these standards, all Affiliate Members of DHC shall observe and also follow the Rules and Directives:
      • Participants shall at all times conduct themselves fairly and properly on the field of play and any part of hockey venues where hockey matches are played and/or practiced. No person may conduct him/herself in a manner or commit any act or omission which may prejudice the interest of hockey or which may bring the game of hockey into disrepute.
      • Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as conduct, which is improper, unfair and unacceptable:
        • Verbal and physical abuse or hostility towards any other participant, person or member of the public.
        • Disputing/protesting, reacting in a provocative or disapproving manner towards any decision made by an umpire or official in an inappropriate way.
        • Using rude or abusive language or hand signals or spitting.
    3. Public statements must be fair and reasonable and must not involve a personal attack on another player, umpire, appointed official or administrator. No member of DHC shall make any public statement on behalf of the DHC without the prior approval of the Executive Committee (or appointed nominee).
    4. The WPHU and DHC recognizes that fair and reasonable comments on the game in general are essentially in the interest of everyone. However, it further recognizes that in the interest of maintaining relations between players, umpires and officials, it is necessary to ensure that any such comment and criticism is constructive. Any public statement therefore by:
      • WPHU Executive Committee Member
      • Affiliate Member (Club) Executive Committee Member or Associate Member Executive Committee Member
      • Member of a Club
      • Member of an Associate Member is also subject to the jurisdiction of the WPHU.
    5. The WPHU and DHC defines a “public statement” as follows:
      • Any statement in which the whole, part or essence, is made public. Such a statement may be made in a newspaper, magazine, periodical or by any electronic (internet, E-mail etc.) or other means through the medium of television, radio or in any other manner whatsoever, regardless of the circumstances in which the statement was made.
    6. No player, coaching staff, management team, any support staff and/or Club member who is current serving any active sanction and/or punishment and/or suspension shall be permitted to be involved in league matches.
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