Durbanville Hockey


Grand Masters Hockey – An Invitation

The World Grand Masters (Hockey) Association (WGMA), was formed in 2006, and has brought a structure and regulation to international competition. It is responsible to the FIH for Grand Masters age groups of both genders – Grand Masters (60+), Great Grand Masters (65+) and Senior Grand Masters (70+).

At the WGMA 2010 World Cup in Cape Town, South African GM players formalised hockey in these age groups with the main objectives being to:
1. Encourage older players, coaches, administrators and umpires to remain in or return to the game
2. Organise and coordinate the affairs of the SAGMHA at a national level and encourage the formation
of provincial bodies
3. Ensure that an annual inter-provincial tournament for South African Grand Masters Hockey players
takes place
4. Organise hockey for players aged 55 and over, with a view to developing national strength at a
60+ level, to be able to compete internationally.

Western Province Grand Masters Hockey Association (WPGMHA) has actively participated in these processes since the inception of the SAGMHA.

Games are held weekly at WPCC and approximately 45 available players regularly participate in teams selected on balanced strength. Players from 54 years and older are encouraged to join WP Grand Masters.

SAGMHA send teams to the World Grand Masters Tournament held every second year.
SA teams participated in World Cups in Hong Kong (2008), Cape Town (2010), Oxford (2012), The Hague (2014) and Australia (2016). The next WGMH World Cup will be held in Barcelona, Spain from 20th to 30th June 2018.

In preparation a National IPT is planned for 22nd to 25th September 2017 in Johannesburg.
WPGMHA will be sending at least three teams to that tournament at which the South African sides (+60, +65 and +70 age groups) for Barcelona will be selected as well as a Masters +55 team to play in the International Masters World Cup, in Terrassa, Spain, from 27 July to 5th August 2018.

The purpose of this invitation is to encourage those currently active and interested players to indicate if they would like to be considered for selection to the WP Grand Masters or WP Masters teams going to the Johannesburg IPT. Players must be currently active and play regularly in the WP Grand Masters, Masters or Club leagues to be eligible for the IPT.

Trials for the WP teams will be held at WPCC on Sunday 2nd July and Sunday 23rd July; 09:00 to 11:00.
Estimated costs to participate in the IPT will include airfare, a tournament levy, a capitation fee, hotel accommodation and local transport…. the total cost is estimated to be R4000.
Participation in the IPT places places no obligation on a player to be available for the South African Teams going to Spain.

If you are interested please inform Rob Birt by email who will forward participation application forms to those who respond. They need to be submitted by Friday 12th May 2017.

Rob Birt:

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